Reducción de antibióticos en ganadería a través de
una alimentación natural basada en el uso de hongos y algas

MICOALGA-FEED at Revista Ganadería

«Fungi and microalgae to prevent diseases in poultry farming». This is the title of Revista Ganadería the article that has recently been published in about the MICOALGA-FEED Operational Group.


Recently, Cultum, the agro media section of the caliber of the Diario de Burgos or El Día de la Rioja, has published an interesting article focused on MICOALGA-FEED.
«One more step in animal welfare», a headline that perfectly sums up the ambition of this Task Force

MICOALGA-FEED in La Voz de Galicia

Somos Agro, the agricultural section of La Voz de Galicia, one of the most important newspapers in that Autonomous Community, has recently published a news about MICOALGA-FEED.