Reducción de antibióticos en ganadería a través de
una alimentación natural basada en el uso de hongos y algas

CNTA will mentor the MICOALGA-FEED Operational Group
The MICOALGA-FEED Operational Group has been selected for the technological mentoring program of the National Center for Food Technology (CNTA), protected by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA). Among the almost 30 Operational Groups approved in the 2020 call, MICOALGA-FEED has been one of the 4 projects selected by the CNTA as a beneficiary of its technological mentoring program. This program, which will last until the end of 2022, will allow MICOALGA-FEED to have the expertise and technical mentoring of the CNTA experts, who will make all their knowledge available to the project, to expand the scope of technical activities. The collaboration with the CNTA is focused on the in vivo functional evaluation of feed developed through an animal model (C. elegans). Specifically, the ability of these feeds to inhibit oxidative stress will be studied and thus see their potential use in the future. You can check the full news here on the CNTA website.