Reducción de antibióticos en ganadería a través de
una alimentación natural basada en el uso de hongos y algas

Between August 6 and 21, the 65th edition of FIDMA, the International Trade Fair of Asturias, was held in Gijón. The Asturian company Neoalgae, member of the MICOALGA-FEED Operational Group, was present at the fair, where it presented some of its new cosmetic products of its Alskin brand. With more than 700,000 visitors visiting the fair annually, Neoalgae took the opportunity to present the MICOALGA-FEED project, delivering informative material and merchandising to all those visitors who were interested in this initiative. A great opportunity to explain to the agents of the sector and the general public the objectives and progress achieved to date by MICOALGA-FEED.
Poster of the MICOALGA-FEED Operational Group at the Neoalgae stand at FIDMA.