Reducción de antibióticos en ganadería a través de
una alimentación natural basada en el uso de hongos y algas

Va de Agro becomes a reference space in innovation in agriculture
The headquarters of FEUGA in Santiago hosted last Thursday, September 8, one of the largest events in northern Spain in terms of agri-food and forestry innovation. «Va de Agro», organized jointly by the Operational Groups MICOALGA-FEED, AVIENERGY, PROTEINLEG and TIRAC, had 16 projects participating in the round table and up to 33 projects in the exhibition area. A success of participation in both participating projects and attendees, with more than 130. The day began with presentations by Javier Pereiro, general director of FEUGA, and Inge van Oost, Isabel Bombal and José Luis Cabarcos, representatives of the European Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), and the Galician Agency for Food Quality (AGACAL), respectively. After the coffee break, the day continued with the round tables. Co-innovation spaces in which the solutions proposed by different projects in terms of reduction of antibiotics in livestock, new foods, revaluation of by-products and residues and conservation of biodiversity were shared. The GO MICOALGA-FEED participated in the first of the round tables, in which David Suárez, from Neoalgae, presented the solutions developed in the innovation project to improve animal welfare in poultry farming through the development of feed enriched with fungi and algae. In the video on the right you can see both the initial presentations and the different round tables:  
Finally, after the networking lunch in the exhibition area, which included more than 30 regional, national and European projects, the demonstration workshops were held at Hifas da Terra and at the Biological Mission of Galicia (MBG-CSIC). The workshop in Hifas had the participation of the projects MICOALGA-FEED and GREENCASTANEA, two projects in which the Pontevedra firm participates as a partner. In this workshop, attendees were able to learn in greater detail about both projects, and discover the magnificent facilities that the Hifas group has. In the case of the workshop organized by the Biological Mission of Galicia, the PROTEINLEG and ALGATERRA projects participated. Similarly, attendees were able to see the facilities of this CSIC center and explore the details of these innovation projects.